upper middle-income countries

upper middle-income countries
межд. эк. страны с доходами выше среднего уровня (по классификации Всемирного банка: страны с валовым национальным доходом в год на душу населения от $3,466 до $10,725 долларов США; на основе данных о валовом национальном доходе на душу населения в 2005 г. к этой группе относились 40 стран: Восточное Самоа, Аргентина, Барбадос, Белиз, Ботсвана, Чили, Коста-Рика, Хорватия, Чехия, Доминика, Экваториальная Гвинея, Эстония, Габон, Гренада, Венгрия, Латвия, Ливан, Ливия, Литва, Малайзия, Маврикий, Майотта, Мексика, Северные Марианские Острова, Оман, Палау, Панама, Польша, Россия, Румыния, Сейшельские Острова, Словакия, Южно-Африканская республика, Сент-Китс и Невис, Сент-Люсия, Сент-Винсент и Гренадины, Тринидад и Тобаго, Турция, Уругвай, Венесуэла)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "upper middle-income countries" в других словарях:

  • Lower Middle Income Country — Der Begriff lower middle income country bzw. Land mit mittlerem Einkommen im unteren Bereich bezeichnet einen von der Weltbank definierten ökonomischen Status. Dazu gehören diejenigen Länder, deren Bruttonationaleinkommen pro Kopf zwischen 1006$… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Income inequality in the United States — is the extent to which income, most commonly measured by household or individual, is distributed in an uneven manner. While there seems to be consensus among social scientists that some degree of income inequality is needed, the extent of income… …   Wikipedia

  • List of countries by firearm-related death rate — This is a historical list of countries by firearm related death rate per 100,000 population in one year. Contents 1 List of countries 2 Sources 3 See also 4 References …   Wikipedia

  • Middle class — Sociology …   Wikipedia

  • Upper class — Is a concept in sociology that refers to the group of people at the top of a social hierarchy. Members of an upper class often have great power over the allocation of resources and governmental policy in their area. The phrase upper class has had …   Wikipedia

  • Middle East — The Middle East redirects here. For other meanings, see Middle East (disambiguation). Middle East …   Wikipedia

  • List of countries by GNI (PPP) per capita — legend|blue|High incomelegend|red|Low incomeThis is a list of countries by 2005 GNI (Gross National Income) per capita. Countries with a GNI per capita of $11,116 or more are described as high income countries, between $3,596 and $11,115 as upper …   Wikipedia

  • List of countries by GNI per capita — This is a list of countries by Gross National Income per capita in 2006, according to the Atlas Method, an indicator of income developed by the World Bank.a. 2006 data not available; ranking is approximate. b. Data include the French overseas… …   Wikipedia

  • Low Income Country — Der Begriff low income country bzw. Land mit geringem Einkommen bezeichnet einen von der Weltbank definierten ökonomischen Status. Dazu gehören diejenigen Länder, deren Bruttonationaleinkommen pro Kopf und Jahr geringer als 1500$ ist. [1]… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Income inequality metrics — The concept of inequality is distinct from that of poverty[1] and fairness. Income inequality metrics or income distribution metrics are used by social scientists to measure the distribution of income, and economic inequality among the… …   Wikipedia

  • American middle class — The American middle class is a social class in the United States.[1][2] While the concept is typically ambiguous in popular opinion and common language use,[3] contemporary social scientists have put forward several, more or less congruent,… …   Wikipedia

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